Assert | |
 flatbuffers | |
  Vector | |
  Offset | |
 hammer | |
  hepmc | |
  pdg | |
 Hammer | The Hammer namespace contains the library code |
  MultiDimensional | The MultiDimensional namespace contains the tensor algebra infrastructure |
   Ops | The MultiDimensional namespace contains the tensor algebra algorithms |
    AddAt | |
    Convert | |
    Divide | |
    Dot | |
    Multiply | |
    Optimize | |
    OuterSquare | |
    Sum | |
    Trace | |
   AlignedIndexing | |
   BinnedIndexing | |
   OuterElemIterator | |
   BlockIndexing | |
   BruteForceIterator | |
   IContainer | |
   ISingleContainer | |
    ItBase | |
   LabeledIndexing | |
   OuterContainer | |
   ScalarContainer | |
   SequentialIndexing | |
   SparseContainer | |
    ItAligned | |
   VectorContainer | |
    ItSequential | |
  PS | The PS namespace contains the phase space integration infrastructure |
  Serial | The Serial namespace contains the Hammer serialization code based on flatbuffers |
   DetachedBuffers | |
  AmplitudeBase | Base class for amplitudes |
  AmplBD0starLepNu | |
  AmplBD1LepNu | |
  AmplBD1starLepNu | |
  AmplBD2starLepNu | |
  AmplBDLepNu | |
  AmplBDstarDGamLepNu | |
  AmplBDstarDPiLepNu | |
  AmplBDstarLepNu | |
  AmplBToQLepNuBase | |
  AmplLbLcLepNu | |
  AmplTau3PiNu | |
  AmplTauEllNuNu | |
  AmplTauPiNu | |
  DictionaryManager | Main class |
  Event | Event container class |
  Error | Generic error class |
  IndexLabelError | Invalid index label error class |
  RangeError | Out-of-range error class |
  PhaseSpaceError | Invalid phase space point error class |
  InitializationError | Initialization error class |
  ExternalData | Main class |
  FormFactorBase | Base class for form factors |
  FFBGLBase | Base class for BGL form factors |
  FFBLPRBase | Base class for BLPR form factors |
  FFBLRBase | Base class for BLR form factors |
  FFBLRSBase | Base class for BLR form factors |
  FFBtoD0starBLR | |
  FFBtoD0starBLRVar | |
  FFBtoD0starISGW2 | |
  FFBtoD0starLLSW | |
  FFBtoD1BLR | |
  FFBtoD1BLRVar | |
  FFBtoD1ISGW2 | |
  FFBtoD1LLSW | |
  FFBtoD1starBLR | |
  FFBtoD1starBLRVar | |
  FFBtoD1starISGW2 | |
  FFBtoD1starLLSW | |
  FFBtoD2starBLR | |
  FFBtoD2starBLRVar | |
  FFBtoD2starISGW2 | |
  FFBtoD2starLLSW | |
  FFBtoDBGL | |
  FFBtoDBGLVar | |
  FFBtoDBLPR | |
  FFBtoDBLPRVar | |
  FFBtoDCLN | |
  FFBtoDISGW2 | |
  FFBtoDstarBGL | |
  FFBtoDstarBGLVar | |
  FFBtoDstarBLPR | |
  FFBtoDstarBLPRVar | |
  FFBtoDstarCLN | |
  FFBtoDstarCLNVar | |
  FFBtoDstarISGW2 | |
  FFCLNBase | Base class for CLN form factors |
  FFISGW2Base | Base class for ISGW2 form factors implementation matched to EvtGen |
  FFLbtoLcBLRS | |
  FFLbtoLcBLRSVar | |
  FFLbtoLcPCR | |
  FFLLSWBase | Base class for LLSW form factors |
  FFPCRBase | Base class for PCR form factors See Pervin, Roberst, and Capstick, Phys |
  FFRCTBase | Base class for RCT form factors See Pervin, Roberst, and Capstick, Phys |
  FFTauto3PiRCT | |
  Hammer | Main class |
  Histos | Hammer histogram manager class |
  FFPrefixGroup | |
  NumDenPair | |
  FourMomentum | 4-momentum class |
  Histogram | Multidimensional histogram class with Tensor as cell bins |
   Bin | Bin class with Tensor contents |
  HistogramDefinition | |
  HistogramSet | |
  Integrator | Tensor integration class |
  Tensor | Multidimensional tensor class with complex numbers as elements |
  Units | Hammer class for dealing with units |
  Particle | Particle class |
  Process | Decay process class |
  ProcessDefinitions | Hammer settings manager class |
  AmplEntry | |
  SelectedAmplEntry | |
  AmplTriplet | |
  EdgeEntry | |
  VertexEntry | |
  ProcGraph | Decay process class |
  ProcManager | Decay process class |
  ProcRates | Decay process class |
  ProcRequirements | Decay process class |
  ProcResults | Decay process class |
  ProvidersRepo | Main class |
  PurePhaseSpaceDefs | Hammer settings manager class |
  RateBase | Base class for rates |
  RateBD0starLepNu | |
  RateBD1LepNu | |
  RateBD1starLepNu | |
  RateBD2starLepNu | |
  RateBDLepNu | |
  RateBDstarLepNu | |
  RateLbLcLepNu | |
  RateTau3PiNu | |
  SchemeDefinitions | Hammer settings manager class |
  SettingsHandler | Hammer settings manager class |
  IOBuffer | |
  IOBuffers | |
  BinContents | Contents of a histogram bin after full contraction (real weights) to be used to export the histogram outside Hammer |
  HistoInfo | |
  product_iterator | |
  Log | Logging class |
  ParticleData | PDG code process signature class |
   Signature | Decay signature information |
  PID | Hammer class for dealing with particle data |
  Setting | Container for an Hammer run option |
  SettingsConsumer | Base class to access the settings repository |
  SettingChecker | |
  SettingWriter | |
  SettingEncoder | |
  SettingStringConverter | |
  reversion_wrapper | |
 Loki | |
  TL | |
   IndexOf | |
   IndexOf< T, TypeList< T, Ts...> > | |
   IndexOf< T, TypeList< TOther, Ts...> > | |
  isSpecialization | |
  isSpecialization< Ref< Args...>, Ref > | |
  TypeList | |
  StaticDoubleDispatcher | |
   InvocationTraits | |
   InvocationTraits< true, SomeLhs, SomeRhs > | |
  StaticSingleDispatcher | |
   InvocationTraits | |
 std | STL namespace |
  iterator_traits< Hammer::MultiDimensional::BruteForceIterator > | |
 YAML | |
  convert<::Hammer::ProcessDefinitions > | |
  convert<::Hammer::PurePhaseSpaceDefs > | |
  convert<::Hammer::SchemeDefinitions > | |
  convert<::Hammer::Setting > | |